连年有余: 丐个政策对有钱、中层收入高者(家庭)有利,对低层收入者冇明显帮助,希望奥巴马下个政策能考虑低层收入一族也终身免税。 谢谢追求者评论!
多谢楼主转报. Obama 这个政策对中产阶级有利, 对有钱人家要加税, 那能说有利? 低层收入一族现在已经不用交税了. 根据CNN下面这篇报导, 47%的美国家庭已经不用交入息税. Why more Americans pay no income taxffice ffice\" /> TAX DAY April 15, 2010|By Scott A. Hodge, Special to CNN If \"taxes are the price we pay for civilized society,\" to quote Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., then April 15 is the day that bill comes due for every working American. But that is no longer the case for a growing class of Americans for whom the price of civilized society has been reduced to zero because the tax code's generous credits and deductions completely erase their income tax liability. And for many of these nonpayers, civilized society actually pays them a hefty refund, which is not much different from a welfare check except that it's run through the tax code instead of through the Department of Health and Human Services. If tax year 2009, for which we are paying today, is anything like tax year 2008, then a record number of the nearly 142 million Americans who will file a tax return will get back every dollar that was withheld from their paychecks during the year. During 2008, more than a third of all tax returns resulted in complete nonpayment. Many got quite a bit more, turning Tax Day into a payday. Over the past 15 years, politicians have been working overtime to create a blizzard of tax credits targeted to \"help\" the so-called \"middle class.\" They've created the child credit, which is different from the child care tax credit, unless you have a grown child and then you can use the education credit. And if you don't have a child, then you can get one using the adoption credit. If you don't care for a child, there's the credit for caring for granny instead. But if you'd rather care for air than people, there's a credit for buying a hybrid vehicle, unless you'd rather put a solar panel on your roof, or simply replace all the windows in your house. Oh, don't have a house? Then there is the first-time homebuyer's credit. The consequence of turning the tax code into a tool for social policy is that we now have a record 52 million filers off the income tax rolls. This means 36 percent of all so-called taxpayers actually pay zero in income taxes after taking their credits and deductions. But these figures don't include some 15 million people who work but don't earn enough to file a tax return. When these people are added to the non-payers, estimates the Tax Policy Center, the percentage of households who don't pay income taxes rises to 47 percent. |