发表于 2010-6-30 11:01:41
Note about Drain wow power leveling Tanking: Common knowledge is that Drain Tanking is the most efficient leveling spec. Few realize, however, that it is nearly useless before level wow power leveling 30, due to the weakness of the lower versions of the Drain Life spell. How to aion kina level: Grind and quest at the same time. Either look for multiple quests that involve killing the same mobs, or look for multiple quests in aion kinah the same areas. The more quests you can get done before running back to turn in, the faster your leveling will go. Also, remember aion power level to set your hearth to new places frequently. Every time you plan to level in a new place for more than an hour, set your hearth there, as the time saved by teleporting back to the nearest down instead cheap aion power leveling of running is incredible Summary: 1-9: Do your lowbie wow power leveling quests. Should take 2-3 hours. 10-29: Stack all your DoTs on a mob, send in the VW, stack all your DoTs on a second mob, and then wand the second mob to death. Repeat until 重庆团购 low health, and then bandage/Consume Shadows. Each level should take about an buy wow gold hour, moving towards an hour and a half as you get closer to 30. If they are taking |