引用: 原文由 ra03680 发表于 2007-4-24 13:04:31 :
Thanks for the vivid memory and description. It is accurate. I vaguely remember 炎雄, I think he eventually became a key volleyball player of the school. Why Fat-boy Yuen got involved in so much of this fightings? It is a puzzle. Evevery boy tends to seek his own identity when grown up, especially when martial art was taught, and immitated (not an innate gift). A side note to complements this story, in our elementary school reunion at Taishen a couple weeks ago, one of the male classmate had a good laugh at me, first time some 30+ years later. He rememebers that one time, when we were together at our farm commune, Fat-boy Yuan, solicited this classmate's help to beat our cook (Mr.Clumsy Pig Commarade). I don't know why Fat-BoyYuan got into such a conflict in the first place, but soliciting a male classmate's help to put up a fight with Mr.Clumsy Pig Commarade, says all...how wimpy can it get...you know what I mean...guys...
志远兄的回忆颇有意思.翻译家Big Paul可能太忙,我来代劳一次: 谢谢你生动准确的记忆和描述. 我大概还记得炎雄,我想他后来成为学校排球队的主力队员. 为什么当年的肥佬远老打架?真令人费解. 每个男孩子在他的成长过程中,总是尝试着去证明自己的存在能力,特别是当他学了点武术时,总想试试身手(而非天生好斗). 对打架的故事还有一个旁证:在两星期前我们小学同学的聚会上,一个男同学说我的一个笑话(30多年后的第一次),他记得有一次我们一起在农场时,肥佬远恳求这位同学帮助去打我们的厨师(雷头猪先生).我不知道肥佬远当时为什么会进入这样的冲突,而且还要恳求一个男同学的帮助才去与雷头猪打架......真是太懦弱了点......你们明白我的意思吗......伙计们...... |