引用: 原文由 tiger 发表于 2007-6-7 14:46:58 :
引用: 原文由 迟到 发表于 2007-6-7 14:06:46 : 对不起,竟然忘记多谢老人了。也谢谢您老人家。还是老虎的眼睛好。
Thanks for the translations, Big Paul. fficeffice\" /> \"The next generation came along and we didn't find ourselves in that same position as our parents,\" said Ben Wong, 56. \"I got married and had kids and a career. There's still some connection, but it's always difficult for me. I never found time to bring my kids out there, and I regret that to an extent.\" Nevertheless, who will not agree on this? Personally, I think that’s the way our life should be, the ffice:smarttags\" />US well dry in Taishan? Oop, that must be the good thing, otherwise, that beneficial human being will be much lazier when time goes by along. Since China economic reform from the 80's, have native Taishanese to change their world on their own power? No one work on their farmland, everyday enjoys the money from oversea, and most largely, they don’t know how the oversea money was making. I don't blame the ABC not support them. |