黄絮咏老师, I remember you (I think). * 5-years of elementary school, you stand-out in our memory. You always spoke, at length in class subjects; Then your mouth and throat got dried, bubbles began to form in your lips, then you took a swallowed, and continued to say/discussed what you tried to conveyed to us... I seen no teachers like you, in my adulthood... * You sat at a chair in the regular scheduled meetings with the student parents, I wanted to sat on the chair afterwards, just to sense the warmth...that was how much you had an impression on us... * You know my Mom. My Mom worked as a nurse at your old villages. Throguh my Mom, one of the highly educated mathematician from your village, helped/tutored me in my colleage prep. at Taishen. I tried to contacted to him, but we have lost touch since we left China. In all likelihood, this kind/mathematician is rest is heaven by now. I have a sense of gratitue to him... Thank you, Glad to see, you are well, your healthy, beautiful scenility... * Wish you the best...(that's all for now)... 观望, thank you... If DHK gives you a hard time, tell him, z-far will handle him on this...(humor). But really, you did a great job. Thanks. Your pictures are really dedicated to our teachers... Thanks again. [此帖子已被 z-far 在 2007-12-22 14:01:50 编辑过] |