* Sharon: we don't know each other, in our entire school days. But that's understandable. Thanks for your presence. Pictures tell it all, you work hard, and play hard, essence of the American Californian spirits... Glad we have a classmate like you...This feedback is dedicated to you... * BigPaul: when you speak out, we always cheer for you... Need re-enforcement? BigEye Girl, where are you...speak-up (humor...). * 玲珑姑娘: Diet, Sharp eyes... How do you say that in Chinese? * 黄进场长: I remember you at our \"Iron Falcon Commune\"... A Cheerful memory, and always stand-out in my distant memory about you from those days: \"Water Mellon Peels, and Wok Cooking\". I don't have the time to write an essay about you, but it was you insisted, at \"Iron Falcon Commune\", that we should not throw away water mellon peels (we had ample water mellons, once a while). Instead, if we have ample cooking oils, we can Wok-cook water mellon peels, into a healthy, and delicious meals at \"Iron Falcon Commune\". I knew you did try the receipe. I did not know how many people tasted your custom prepared cuisine. May be I should ask the ones who had tried it... \"Water Mellon Peels, Wok-Cooking\", 黄进场长, please search your disitant memory on this. If you came came with happy/fond memories of the girl classmates, please do share with us... Heck, we are all in our 40+ plus now... Folks, Class78 Members, I wish I can capture all of this in Chinese in a short burst...But one day we may go back to live in \"Iron Falcon Commune\", and not be told like this... shall we??? [此帖子已被 z-far 在 2007-12-23 6:33:16 编辑过] |