I love the photos for all the girls in them. (I am a bit drunk now, after seeing all the 6.23 party photos, so I speak straight from my mind.) Feminism!!! It is the first time I see so much, so pronounced feminism in our girl classmates. I treasure it, and will take it to my grave. I knew all along, our girl classmates were very very feminin. They made me a man, out of a soft boy. These photos demonstrated so, how lovely our girl classmates were. They touch me a soft spot in my heart. In the 1970's, even Chairman Mao's translator/secretary dressed, make-up and acted like a man, freaking sucks...the ultimate anti-feminism. What is Feminism? 小凡, this is a perfect Western notion for you to grasp and explain to Class78. The Western Reinassance, the invention of bras, the concept of lady's first...all have to do with the notion with feminism...It is a beautiful word. BigPaul can help also, in case you run into confusion...Please follow-up with an elaboration, Chinese flavor, on the subject of Feminism...would you??? Guys in the photos, why did you make all the girls lowered themselvs, squatting(?) at the front? Boys should be kneeling down at the front? All the girls in the picture, should be standing up, proud, raising their chest, raising their head, smiling, with optimisim into the future... What was Fat Z-Far doing at the time the pictures were taken? He was still a virgin, trying to prove that he is good for something. Girls were still a distraction then...(not now)... [此帖子已被 z-far 在 2007-6-24 5:05:34 编辑过] |