How are you?? are you live in the city name fist two words are S.L??, I know you is MR. T.....right!! you said want to see my pictures, I thing those pictures you have alredy, you don't need me to put in to the taishan website, anyway i still doesn't how to put in yet. I still want to learn how to put it on. I thing different upload, doesn't look like the \"email\" pictures???.
東方兄﹐ thank you very much for your translating. I apologize to all of you who don't understand due to my bad Chinese in-put skill. My \"Ping-ying\" is very very \" 爛\". I only can use \" ping-ying\" to write Chinese,any body have a better idea?
風雨路﹐I just checked out your new posting, I have a feeling that you are pretty upset, I think you need to learn from 牛婆 . He/she is a very activity and humor person, I admire him/her. By the way, 牛婆﹐thank you again, I will see how you \"撈下川\"......and \"摸上川\".........