发表于 2010-4-5 12:48:48
Blink & HW79, --- Well Done! - KEEP IT UP!!! -------- \"害\"我化了個幾鐘头來看...值!-----
真人篇: 初來報到:企向街邊等巴士,见到好多示牌,最留意的一個就是: \"NO STANDING ANYTIME\"心唸'死啦! 咁我該企邊處著好呢? 0 哈哈...去年呢個周末,同土生土長的Yulanda,(27 of age)拎著個相機周圍逛, 佢突然同我講:\" goo-goo,(姑姑) you know what!See that sign \"NO STANDING ANYTIME\"? When I was a kid, I was confused:\"not knowing which spot I should be standing as I saw it.\" I started laughing... After all, I wasn't the only one!!! Sigh...runs in the family...