引用第5346楼玫瑰玫瑰于2011-09-15 05:22发表的 :
We all love you here! You are the sweetiest and most beauties.
my dear 玫瑰仙子---don't go let sing never say goodbye 4 you.
please please let me say daring is my lucky day----you are the one
hold my hand when i lost my mind---find one day --you and me to
party whisky cheese and wine---please kiss me cpr one more time.
引用第5351楼鸡道于2011-09-15 11:30发表的 :
痴迷,do you still have that summer wine, I need to try a couple.
I believe we can fly ------ hahaha it is an amazing find.
oh my daring ----if you play wall street and love 痴迷--
i will never criticize ----please listen to me--- thank you 80村.
just love the way all of you.
引用第5386楼wfkliang于2011-09-16 06:00发表的 :
oh my daring ----if you play wall street and love 痴迷--
i will never criticize ----please listen to me--- thank you 80村.
just love the way all of you.
哈哈,妖军座不愧是wall street player,在常人想不到的时间出场,速度超人,效率惊人,打完就跑,从不纠缠,绝不留恋,criticize 都赶不上您。
引用第5384楼wfkliang于2011-09-16 05:46发表的 :
唉---我千山万水---长途跋涉---分秒必争---赶来80村---only 4 见一面--oh-
你比new york 5 大道的精品店还精简---by the way better than nothing.
引用第5385楼wfkliang于2011-09-16 05:52发表的 :
my dear 玫瑰仙子---don't go let sing never say goodbye 4 you.
please please let me say daring is my lucky day----you are the one
hold my hand when i lost my mind---find one day --you and me to
party whisky cheese and wine---please kiss me cpr one more time.
引用第5380楼wfkliang于2011-09-16 05:30发表的 :
oh my daring ---thanks god is 黄玫瑰仙子第一时间--第一个吻--
than well done my daring----he must be die before me--- my man
kill him better than good---oh ---my o my.