引用: 原文由 z-far 发表于 2007-7-28 13:24:10 :
Blackocean, is that you??? Is this it... * DHK: I can see you had a hard times to contain your gratification of the lady next to you. * Z-Far: You will have a fist fight with DHK, winner will take \"Blackocean\", on a boat (two person accomodations only), sailing to the less traversed water. * Blackocean: What would you do? You are the only other player on this fist fight. You can stop this non-sense of fist fighting...Then what about the two person boat, the vast ocean ahead...
*DHK is mature now. He can handle his emotions and any situation in an appropriate manner. His passed experience is enough for him to write a book. ffice ffice\" /> *Z-Far; Blackocean is not going to pick the winner from the fist fight. She would rather choose a skilled windsurfer as her company to sail on the less traversed water. *Blackocean doesn’t know what is waiting for her on the vast ocean ahead. All she can do is that she will pray for the two person boat, for it to be able to reach the other side of the ocean safely. |