十四個徵兆預示你會長壽 上個世紀中,人類的平均壽命增加了30年,這可以說是人 類五千年曆史中最大的進步。而百歲老人的人數從1990年到2000年間也增加了51%。如何解釋這些巨變呢?健康、教育、疾病預防和治療方面的進步當然 是必不可少的因素。但你也許不知道,一些表面上看來似乎是不重要的生活習慣,或是你曾經的生活環境都能影響你的壽命。一項最新的有關長壽的研究列出了一系 列有科學依據的長壽徵兆。另外研究者們還給出了一些有助於長壽的建議。來看看你是否具備長壽因素吧。 1、你出生時母親還很年輕 芝加哥大學的科學家們發現,一個出生時母親年齡小于25歲的人活到100歲的幾率是出生時母親大於25歲的人的兩倍。他們認為大概是由於年輕母親最先受孕的是她最好的卵子,因此產生更健康的後代。 2、你很愛喝茶 每天喝1至2杯茶對心臟很有好處,不過要確保茶是當天新沏的。超市裏的即飲紅茶則沒有這樣的健康效果。另外! 還! 有一些研究表明,喝牛奶會降低茶對心血管系統的保護效果。因此如果要往茶水中添加其他的調味品,最好加蜂蜜或檸檬。 3、多數時候你更願意步行 一項對2,603名男女進行的最新研究表明,每天堅持步行30分鐘的人可定義為身體健康的人。不管他們體內脂肪含量有多高,都要比每天步行少於30分 鐘的人更長壽。同樣,也有研究稱肥胖婦女可通過每天增加10分鐘的運動來改善其心臟健康狀況。因此午飯後不妨走路散散步,每天儘量以各種方式多做一點運 動。 4、你很少喝碳酸飲料 波士頓大學的科學家發現,每天飲一次或多次可樂會使你患代謝症候群的風險加倍。代謝症候群是一種代謝異常聚集現象,主要包括高血壓、血脂異常、糖尿 病、腹部肥胖以及高尿酸與凝血因子的不正常等等,這些因素會增加患心血管疾病和糖尿病的風險。實驗發現,可樂中的一種著色添加劑會增加動物患代謝症候群的 風險。另外,科學家們推測,愛喝碳酸飲料的人由於其味蕾長期接觸人造! 甜! 味劑,逐漸使其習慣於各種甜食,因此更易導致肥胖。 應對策略:如果感到自己咖啡因癮上來,改成喝茶;或者實在難忍,在飲料中加入一些果汁。通過控制好血壓和血脂、預防糖尿病和不吸煙,你就能增加6-9年的健康壽命。 5、你有一雙強健的腿 背靠墻站立,腳慢慢往前走,然後再退回來直到你保持一個平穩狀態,但是背的下半部要始終緊貼著墻壁。盡最大可能保持這種姿勢,每天做一次,並且每次增加幾秒鐘的時間。 6、你愛吃紫色食物 一項最新研究顯示,紫葡萄、藍莓和紅葡萄酒富含多酚,多酚能使血管保持韌性,有助預防心臟病和老年癡呆症。美國辛辛那提大學認知障礙研究中心主任馬 克克裏科瑞安 博士稱,凡是對冠狀動脈有益的食物對腦血管也很有幫助。對動物的初步研究表明,在飲食中增加黑葡萄能幫助改善大腦功能。另有研究顯示,每天喝一杯藍莓果汁 有助提升腦細胞功能,增加記憶力。 7、你在青少年時期,體重保持在正常範圍內 發表在《兒科學》雜誌上的一項針對137名非裔美國人的研究,對他們從出生到28歲之間做了跟蹤調查,研究表明,14歲時體重超重會增加成年時患?型糖尿病的幾率。另外據美國心臟學會的資料顯示,糖尿病患者得心臟病的幾率是正常人的2-4倍。 8、 你不喜歡吃富含肉類的快餐 美國癌症研究院的一項報告顯示,每週吃紅肉超過 18盎司 會增加患結腸癌的風險;每天吃 3.5盎司 加工過的熟食肉類,比如熱狗、腌熏臘肉等,患結腸癌的幾率會增加42%。 至於為什麼紅肉不健康,專家也不是很清楚,但有專家推測可能是因為肉類在燒烤、煙熏、腌幹或用硝酸鹽一類的防腐劑做防腐處理的過程中產生了致癌原。 9、 你曾經受過高等教育 哈佛醫學院的一項最新研究表明,接受過12年正規教育的人,哪怕只受過1年的高等教育,要比受教育年! 限! 少於12年的人多活18個月。據說,受教育越高,吸煙的可能性越小。美國疾控中心的數據表明,受過高等教育的成人中約有10%的人吸煙,而學歷為中學或者 更低的人中約有35%的人吸煙。 10、 你有真心喜歡自己的朋友 美國西達克瑞斯特學院的心理學副教授邁卡薩丁稱,良好的人際關係是很好的減壓劑,而知道有人一直支援著你,會讓你身心都保持健康。有研究顯示,慢性壓力削弱免疫系統的功能,使細胞加快老化,最終會使一個人壽命縮短4-8年。 11、你的朋友也很健康 《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》上的一項研究表明,如果你最要好的朋友體重增加了,那麼同樣情形發生在你身上的可能性是72%。主要研究者尼古拉斯克裏塔基博 士稱,要想維持一種健康的生活方式,就應該與那些和自己有相同生活目標的人交往。比如參加一個減肥健身的俱樂部,或者發展一個能和你長期一起散步的朋友等 等。 12、 你喜歡接受新的挑戰 有兩項研究顯示,那些自認為生活更有條理的、更自律的人活得更久,並且他們患老年癡呆症的幾率要比沒有他們勤奮認真的人低89%。主要研究者羅伯特 威爾遜教授稱,如果你善於控制你的注意力,那麼你將能啟用你大腦中的更多智慧。設立一些個人或職業上的目標,並設定期限挑戰自己,努力完成它們。也可以嘗 試做一些新事情來刺激大腦,比如你愛讀科幻小說,那麼下次可以嘗試讀本傳記,然後第二天再回憶一下閱讀內容。 13、你喜歡自己動手整理東西 一項研究表明,拖地、擦玻璃這些日常家務只要幹一小時左右就能消耗約285大卡的熱量,從而將死亡幾率降低了30% 14、你是個樂天派 據《美國心理學家雜誌》報道,約有17%的美國人是樂天派,他們對生活有著積極的態度,有明確的目的和很強的社會認同感,他們要比悲觀派的人更健康。 美國埃默裏大學的社會學教授科裏凱斯博? h? 媊部A我們應該努力保持樂觀的態度,積極尋求生活的意義。在義大利的撒丁島或日本的沖繩,那裏有世界上最長壽的人們。他們都很勤勞地工作,但是他們更注重 和家人一起度過時間,提升自己的精神狀態,並且喜歡幫助別人。 ......................................................................................................
14 determinants that can predict longevity (Translation)In the last century, human life expectancy has been up30 years. This can be considered as the greatest accomplishment inhuman history for the past five thousand years. The number of centenarians from 1990 to 2000 has increased by 51%. Health care,education, disease prevention and medical treatments are the essential factors, of course. You may not know something like habits or living environment that seem unimportant, could have major impact on your life expectancy. A new study shows a series of science-based signs can predict longevity. Researchers also provide some helpful suggestions to achieve longevity. 1. How old was your mother when you were born? (If you mother was young when she gave birth to you, most likely you will live longer). Scientists at University of Chicago studied two groups of people ne group was given birth by a mother aged 25 or younger; the other group was by a mother older than 25. They discovered that the probability of living pass 100 in the first group is twice greater than the second group. They believe that is probably because inception at a younger age could result in healthier offspring. 2. Do you have a habit of drinking tea? (If you have a habit of drinking tea everyday, you will most likely live longer). Drinking 1-2 cups of tea a day is good for your heart. However, be sure that the tea is brewed on that day. Red tea from the supermarket,however, does not have the same health effect. Studies showed adding milk in tea will reduce the cardiovascular protective effect. If you want to add favors to your tea, honey or lemon is more desirable? 3. How often do you walk? The latest research of 2,603 men and women shows that 30-minute walk every day can keep people healthy. Regardless of their body fat content, people walk 30 minutes daily live longer than those who don't.A study also says obese women increased by 10 minutes of exercise everyday will improve their heart condition. Therefore, walking after lunch every day is healthy. More walking you do, the more exercise you accomplish. 4. How often do you drink soda? Boston University scientists found that one or more cola drinks a day will double the risk of having the metabolic syndrome. Metabolic-syndrome is a clustering of abnormalities including hypertension,hyperlipidemia, diabetes, abdominal obesity, high uric acid, abnormal blood coagulation, etc. These factors increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Tests using animals found that the coloring additive in coke can increase the risk of having the metabolic syndrome. In addition, scientists forecast that carbonated drinks inlong-term can ruin taste buds. When getting used to the sweet agents,in the long run it can easily lead to obesity.
Avoid drinking cola, instead drink tea and fruit juice. Controlling blood pressure, blood sugar and lipids, and staying away from cigarette smoking can possibly prolong your life by 6-9 years. 5. Are your legs very strong? Stand against a wall with a straight up body, slightly bend your legs and slowly move forward, and then return steadily to wall until your lower back touches the wall. Repeat this movement several times. Do this steady movement daily. If possible, do this few seconds longer each time. 6. Do you like purple food? A new study indicated that purple grapes, blueberries and red wine richi n poly-phenols. Poly-phenols can maintain elasticity of blood vessels to prevent heart disease and dementia. The director of the Centre for Cognitive Impairment at University of Cincinnati said any food that benefits the coronary blood vessels is also good for the brain. An initial research on animal shows that black grapes in the diet increases and improves brain functions. Another study shows that drinking blueberry juice daily can enhance brain cell functioning,hence improve memory. 7. Did you maintain a normal body weight at adolescence? The outcome of a study tracking 137 African Americans from birth to the age of 28 years was published in a magazine on pediatrics showed that people overweight at the age of 14 has high the risk in getting diabetes. In addition, according to the American Heart Association, the risk level of diabetes patients is 2 to 4 times higher than normal people. 8. Do you like fast food and eating meat? From American Institute for Cancer Research, a report shows that eating red meat more than 18 ounces a week can increase the risk of colon cancer. 3.5 ounces of cooked processed meats (hot dogs, cured smoked bacon, etc.) daily can increase the risk of colon cancer by 42%.
As to why red meat is unhealthy, experts are not very clear. Some experts speculate that due to the preservatives nitrate antiseptic treatment in the process (barbecue, smoked, dried, salted and the like), meat had been added with cancer causing elements. 9. Did you have a higher education? In Harvard Medical School, a study showed that people have 12 years or more of formal education (even include only 1 year in higher education)live 18 months longer than those who have less than 12 years. It is believed there is a linear relationship between higher education and smoking habit. CDC data show that about 10% of the highly educated adults smoke, while 35% in those with secondary or lower education. 10. Do you have friends who really like you? An assistant professor of psychology in American Baptist College, said good relationship with others is a good decompression agent. Knowing someone supporting you, can keep you mentally healthy. Studies showed that chronic pressure can weaken the immune system, accelerate aging,and eventually shorten the life of a person by 4 to 8 years. 11. Are your friends very healthy? According to "New England Journal of Medicine" a study indicated, if your best friends gained weight, the likelihood that you also gain weight is 72%. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, is often the same goal of those in who are close together. Participating in a weight loss program, in a fitness club, a long walk event and so on, are always done together with good friends. 12. Do you like new challenges? Two studies showed that those whose life is more organized, moredisciplined will live longer. Their chance of Alzheimer's disease is89% lower than people who are not organized. Professor Robert Wilson, a principal researcher, said ability to focus and control can activate more intelligent brain function. Challenge yourself by establishing personal or professional goals, and setting a deadline to accomplish them. Try something new to stimulate your brain. For example, read a science fiction, then next time try to read a biography, and then review them afterward. 13. Do you handle and finish up things yourself? One study found that one hour of ordinary housework such as mopping the floor, cleaning the windows can consume about 285 calories, which is significant enough to reduce the risk of death by 30%. 14. Are you an optimist? According to an American psychologists magazine, about 17% of Americans are optimistic. They have a great attitude towards life, clear understanding of purposes of living and a strong social identity. They are a lot healthier than the pessimists. A U.S. professor of sociology suggests that we should try to remain optimistic and positive in seeking the meaning of life. Sardinia of Italy and Okinawa of Japan,have the world's longest living people. They work extremely hard, but they pay more attention and spend more time with their families to keep themselves in good mental state. And they are willing to help others.
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